
    Tomova, Anna.  "Facial Symmetry Helps Mental Health." 
        submitted Aug. 10th, 2009, retrieved June 22, 2011  "Facial Symmetry Demotivational Poster."
        submitted Aug. 25, 2009, retrieved June 22, 2011  "Sumo Wrestler Diecut Magnet."
        retrieved June 22, 2011

    Smith, Sassy.  "Photos Don't Lie: Angelina and Brad Did THIS."
        submitted Apr 23, 2009, retrieved June 22, 2011

    Cohen, Lester,  "Click."
        submitted June 14, 2006, retrieved June 22, 2011  "Turning Adversaries into Allies."
        submitted Aug 6, 2008, retrieved June 22, 2011

    Faludi, Susan.  "The "Trend" of Women Lusting After Firemen."
        submitted Oct 3, 2007, retrieved June 22, 2011  "Cash for Clunkers."
        retrieved June 22, 2011  "Gene Simmons Family Jewels' Is Gene Simmons in Hot Water for Cheating?"
        submitted June 15, 2011, retrieved June 22, 2011

    Castor  "Who Should Play Lois Lane in "The Man of Steel"?"
        submitted Feb 2, 2011, retrieved June 22, 2011  "Roxanne"
        retrieved June 22, 2011

Video Clips

    shyndatube  "Data-Driven Enhancement of Facial Attractiveness (SIGGRAPH 2008)."
        uploaded Feb 22, 2011, retrieved June 22, 2011

    CelebTV  "She's Hot, He's Not: Hollywood's Odd Couples."
        uploaded May 1, 2009, retrieved June 22, 2011

    dobrefilms  "Bud Light Commercial - The Elevator."
        uploaded Nov 12, 2007, retrieved 22, 2011

    leenellmills  "Banned Commercials - Beer Makes Women Beautiful."
        uploaded Dec 30, 2006, retrieved June 22, 2011

    ogdenigma  "Superbowl Commercials: Bud Light Spec"
        uploaded Nov 4, 2006, retrieved June 22, 2011