Facial Symmetry

The above clip deals with the science of facial attraction.  A formula for providing greater symmetry, and in essence, greater beauty is used on some profile shots of random people.

Opposite's Attract

A few more examples of how people can find attraction in others who might not be on their physical "level".

Proximity Effect

These smooth guys abuse their power to pick up the ladies.  Picking up women seems like a much easier task when the woman is being unknowingly held captive for long enough to work some proximity magic.

Contextual Effect

In this clip, while the stimulus is beer and the context is a figment of the man's intoxicated imagination, a perception change of the woman can be witnessed none the less.

These ladies don't happen to be too keen on the majority of the fish left in the sea.  Not until one includes a picture of his job, letting the ladies notice him in a whole different context.