Physical Aspects of Attraction

Do you believe in love at first sight?  Well, on a scientific level, such a notion is not all that far fetched.  Much of a person's attraction to others stems from physical features that trigger arousal within our brain.  Physically attractive people tend to be more successful, well liked, and better adjusted than "unattractive" people.  Currently in our society, we are bombarded with images of beauty and are made fully aware of such knowledge.

Facial Symmetry

Facial symmetry is one aspect of how humans are attracted to one another.  Evenly spaced features denote good genes when viewed by others.  While we might not think it consciously, subconsciously such traits are attractive to us when considering reproductive partners.  

Cultural Difference

While in our culture, being heavy is normally considered to be a bad thing, cultural differences globally may project different emotions.  In some parts of the world the saying "the bigger the better" applies.  In the past, obesity has actually been a symbol of high status, as usually only wealthy people could afford to be "fat" people.  

Similar Attraction

Have you ever been ranked (or ranked someone else) on a scale of one to ten how "hot" you are?  Many would say yes, or at least understand what it is like to attribute a ranking of someone based on their looks.  Whether on an imaginary scale or not, people of similar attractiveness tend to gravitate toward each other.  This picture is of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, a Hollywood couple which many know of.  Both are found to be quite appealing, so it is not really a huge surprise that the two are an item.

Opposites Attract...Sometimes

This picture is of another big name couple.  The woman is Paulina Porizkova, a model/actress, and the man is Ric Ocasek the musical front man of the group The Cars.  I'm no expert, but I would say that on a physical level, this is one of the oddest couples you will ever see!  However, besides the extreme mismatch, the couple has been together and married over twenty plus years.  How can this be?  The answer, despite our animal-istic physical attractions, emotional qualities can, and often do, factor heavily into our choosing a companion.